วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Pro-AnaTM - PRO-X Style - Fits over Most Prescription Glasses - red/cyan for 3D Movies, Gaming and TV - for Flat Screens


I'm about to write a review that I really wish I had seen before going into this mess of trying to find the right anaglyph glasses.
Let me break this down: There are two types of anaglyph glasses you can buy: The cardboard ones with the flimsy gel lense, and acrylic (plastic) lensed glasses. Both of these types you can buy in whatever colors you want or that suit you, but primarily, they are gel lenses or acrylic lenses.

Gel lenses work *the best* in terms of eliminating the most ghosting and crosstalk, but at the expense of seeing significantly more red/cyan and duller true-color. That's because they're just so powerful at filtering. Too powerful, really.

Of the acrylic lensed products that I have tried, I pitted the three best reviewed acrylic lensed glasses against each other personally for 3D anaglyph gaming (Nvidia's 3D Discover if you're wondering) on an LCD monitor. The glasses tried, myself, were the Proview (original and from 3D Glasses Direct), ProX (newer type of Proview glasses; sleeker style and also from 3D Glasses Direct), and the Pro-Ana from 3DStereo (same style as the ProX as is pictured on this product page up above).

For an LCD monitor, the worst was easily the Proview glasses. They had a ton of ghosting and the injection molding process for color just hadn't been up to par when they were first introduced and still aren't. The gel lensed, cardboard glasses just blow these out of the water. Only buy the Proview glasses from 3D Glasses Direct if you plan on watching movies or playing on older CRT monitors (if you don't know what a CRT monitor is, then pick up your monitor. Are you struggling? Is it 30 pounds? Is it an old, giant cube? It's a CRT monitor -- get an LCD monitor immediately! They're practical now.).

The second best were the ProX glasses, also from 3D Glasses Direct. These were only /slightly/ better than the Proview glasses and therefore also had horrible ghosting. Same CRT rules apply here. More comfortable and better looking than the Proview glasses, however. Good try.

The best, easily, were (are) the Pro-Ana glasses from 3DStereo. They're very impressive. While still not quite as good at eliminating ghosting as well as cheapy, old-school gel lensed cardboard glasses, they're about 95% as close (of course I didn't really measure this, I'm only guessing). Compounding how awesome they are is the fact that they LOOK and FEEL as comfortable as the ProX glasses but work significantly better. The lenses are about 20% thicker and about 5-10% larger in other dimensions giving them more field-of-view coverage. Basically, the battle here comes down only to the Pro-Ana and the old-school, gel lensed, cardboard glasses. Here the Pro-Anas have a trade-off. Barely more ghosting than the gel lenses, but they let significantly more real color through giving you a much more pleasing picture and a lot more detail. This is a tradeoff I'm easily willing to make.

Of all of the best reviewed anaglyph glasses out there floating around on Amazon, the Pro-Anas are easily the winner. You can safely order them now and stop worrying about the differences. Of course, these glasses will also work for watching movies and the like.

